When you hear the term "Spring Cleaning," what is the first thing that comes to mind? It's most likely referring to your living space, right? Around this time every year, the majority of us start going through the clutter, donating & getting rid of old stuff, and cleaning up our home to get a fresh new start for spring; and how fantastic does it feel when you're all done? How great is it to get rid of the junk and live in a clean, reorganized, and better functioning home?

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you'll say "it's f***ing amazing!!" You go through all of that hard work and come out on the other side feeling so much better about your home and ultimately, your life, because you've gotten rid of all that junk!
...so how many times a year do you do a spring cleaning for your body?
If it feels that great cleaning the junk out of your environment, can you imagine how you'll feel cleaning the junk out of your body?
Over time, our bodies accrue harmful toxins that build and build, leading to a whole plethora of negative side effects, including bloating, low energy, weight gain, brain fog, and even dry skin. Ever go through periods of time where you feel like it's hard to focus or think clearly, your mood is all over the place, and physically, emotionally, energetically, you just feel like...blah?
Well, you most likely have toxicity pent up in your body that needs to be detoxed. I'm not sure about you though, but I personally run as fast as I can the other way whenever I hear "detox," "diet," or "juice cleanse." Fad diets have never been appealing to me; I much prefer to stay on track with an overall healthy lifestyle by eating good quality food in moderation and staying away from inflammatory food. As for detoxes and juice cleanses, I have always had extremely terrible reactions (insanely painful migraines and skin breakouts).
However, I do know the importance of hitting reset and re-achieving balance in all areas of life, so I set out for an effective, good quality detox to spring-clean my body!
Enter: Dr. Cabral's 7-Day Detox. Before I go into telling you all about what it is, let me first tell you what it's not:
this is not a glorified laxative posing as a cleanse (can I get an "amen!")
this is not a strict protocol that won't let you eat so you go through your week feeling like a zombie because you're quite literally starving
this is not a cheap, quick fix to lose weight that you'll gain back as soon as it's over
this is not a paid partnership for me (I'm not affiliated or have a sponsorship with Equi.Life, everything I've tried from Equi.Life I purchased myself)
This is an easy-to-follow detox plan that provides your body with the nutrition it needs to heal while also supporting its ability to remove years of built up toxins and inflammation quickly.

You can choose to do this protocol for 7-days for a quick health reset (average weight loss: 5-10lbs), 14-days for deeper healing of root issues (weight loss: up to 10lbs), or 21 days for ongoing health issues (weight loss: up to 15lbs or more).
The detox comes with powder to make daily nutritional shakes, FM detox capsules (functional medicine detox) and AYU detox capsules (Ayurvedic detox formula).

Your order will also come with a guide and online resources & support, which are incredibly helpful and in-depth when it comes to answering questions (I spent a particularly long amount of time in the FAQ section on Dr. Cabral's site because there was so much helpful info).
I also loved that once I purchased this detox, I could sign up for support emails from Dr. Cabral's team! Every morning of the detox, I woke up to a supportive email in my inbox that encouraged me to stay on track and keep going.
Why Choose the Equi.Life brand?
I personally trust Dr. Cabral's Equi.Life products for the following reasons:
He uses the best quality ingredients & doesn't cut corners to save on cost
He's knowledgeable & qualified (click here for more info)
He deems his brand safe & effective enough for himself and his family, and uses this specific detox seasonally (he's actually doing it this month!)
His products are all third-party tested
Why Does Third-Party Testing Matter?
Unfortunately, the FDA (or any other regulatory group) does not verify that the contents of a bottle of supplements matches its label in entirety, or that the supplements inside are without contaminants. This means that there are plenty of supplements being sold on store shelves that may contain incorrect dosages or other ingredients not on the label, or are contaminated with impurities, heavy metals, bacteria, and even MOLD (so gross!!). Therefore, certain brands will hire a third-party to test their supplements to make sure that the label is not only an accurate reflection of what's in the bottle you're buying, but that the supplements inside are free of those nasty contaminants. If you're taking supplements without checking to see if the brand is third-party tested, you could possibly be doing your body more harm than by not taking those supplements at all (which is harmful within itself, because you most likely bought those supplements because your body needed them, right?).
How much does it cost?
I hesitate to say, because I don't want to drive you away from doing this detox. But I'll just rip the bandaid off: it's $99.00 for a 7-day detox. Now, after reading that the detox is made up of high-quality, third-party tested ingredients, has an incredibly high success & satisfaction rate, is safer for your body in comparison to other detoxes/cleanses, the price for me is a no-brainer. It's an important investment in your health, and by keeping your health in tip-top shape, you're actually saving money down the road by preventing other possible health issues and the medical bills that follow.
However, I can absolutely understand why that price may seem high, and why it would be appealing to search for cheaper detoxes that may give similar results. Let me tell you: I've paid over $120 for a THREE day juice cleanse (you definitely don't want to know how much the 5-day cleanse cost), and I had terrible experiences with both the cleanse and cheap detoxes. The migraines were painful and lasted for hours, I had no energy and felt like a heavy fog weighed down my head, and let's face it: the laxative-effect of those felt a bit aggressive. Weight was lost, but as soon as I re-introduced food into my diet, the weight came right back. These other methods I've tried force your body to quickly excrete toxins without any regard to how your body would handle it.
This detox not only allows you to eat food, but it supports your body to detox by gently moving toxins from your fat stores into your blood stream, which then make their way to the liver, and then safely out of your body.
Interested in seeing if it's right for you? Click the icon below to go to the product site and here for more information!
Interested in what it's like to do the detox and how the 7-day detox went for me? Click here!
What the heck does Ayurvedic mean? Click here!
This year, when it comes to spring cleaning your home, why not spring clean your body, too? Here's to a healthier you!